Diocese of Columbus

For more information about our Diocese, please see the Diocese of Columbus Website.

Real Presence Real Future

For more information about our Real Presence Real Future, please see the Real Presence Real Future Website.


Preparation is required for the reception of the sacrament. Before filling out the Baptism Registration Form, parents are encouraged to call the Rectory and set up an appointment before/after the birth of their child.

Please contact (614)-294-5319.

See Attachments, SJB Baptism GuidelinesSJB Baptism Registration Form & SJB Responsibility Sponsors


Arrangements should be made at least six or more months in advance. A marriage preparation program is required.

Please download our information sheet for full details.


We encourage you to make pre-arrangements, but in that absence, here are the steps we encourage you to take:

  1. Contact the funeral home you wish to use. Have them call the Parish Office.
  2. Arrangements for the funeral are made by the funeral home.
  3. They will call the Parish Office and we then contact the priest, cantor and organist.


Confessions at St. John’s heard 9:00 a.m. before Mass